.. _download: ======== Download ======== The source code is available at `gitlab`_ free of charge upon request. Access to the code repository is restricted, so **in order to get the code, please complete the following steps:** 1. Create a `gitlab`_ account, if you do not already have one. -------------------------------------------------------------- `note`: reCAPTCHA could be blocked by your Internet service provider (ISP). 2. Read and accept the EMTO license ----------------------------------- Full license can be found on the :ref:`license` page. Below is a human-readable summary: License Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **NO WARRANTY**: We are not responsible for any damage, defect or loss incurred as a result of operating the software. * Only **non-commercial** use allowed. * **CANNOT** redistribute source-code or its executable binaries. * Can modify source-code but **CANNOT** redistribute modifications (derivative works, include its executable binaries). * Parts of the software are provided under separate licenses, as follows: * BLAS routines under the BLAS License (http://www.netlib.org/blas/#_licensing) * LAPACK routines under the modified BSD license (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/LICENSE.txt) 3. Send the following information by email to EMTO\@mse.kth.se: --------------------------------------------------------------- * email= * affiliation= * purpose for using EMTO-CPA code=" " * your gitlab username= **Please use your email address from your affiliation.** **Please DO NOT only use simple words like "learn", "study", "academic" ... to describe your purpose** You will then be granted access to the source code's `gitlab`_ repository. 4. Download EMTO: ----------------- * Clone the `gitlab`_ repository **OR** * login to `gitlab`_ and download the source code as a zip file. `note`: For now the code is only send by email, you will be granted access to user-issue repository for reporting problem. **The response-time could be long (only on our free time). Thank you for your understanding!** .. _gitlab: http://www.gitlab.com